It's the Mystery for Me (A True Crime Podcast)
It's the Mystery for Me (A True Crime Podcast)
Track 80: Mitrice Richardson
Mitrice Richardson, 24, decided to take a drive to Malibu, CA on September 16, 2009. On that drive she spotted a restaurant and decided to get something to eat. While dining alone, Mitrice noticed a table of people who appeared to be having a good time and asked if she could join. Initially intrigued by her, the patrons and staffers soon grew concerned by Mitrice’s behavior. Ultimately, 911 is called but what transpired after would leave her loved ones with more questions than answers. So, what really happened to Mitrice?
For a list of sources from today's episode and pictures, please visit www.itsthemysteryforme.com/episodes/mitrice-richardson
Attorney Benjamin Crump's Instagram post highlighting our podcast:
Good Morning America article regarding ITMFM: https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/amp/news/story/meet-sister-podcasters-shedding-light-black-true-crime-97827749
Parentology article:
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